February 04, 2005

But there's no credit where no credit is due (it cost me ten dollars)*

I like the Colossussususus' model code for photo crediting, which he developed on the heals of this week's flap over that 13 year old kid pinching a Blogs for Bush pic. I've gotten a wee bit careless about this sort of thing myself and in the future will adhere to the same set of guidelines as does he.

* I.D. the lyric and we may send you a full day's supply of Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco treat.

Posted by Robert at February 4, 2005 11:23 AM

I'll pass on the Rice a Roni, but here's a clue for those still playing . . .


On the subject of photo-stealing, my bigger fear (bigger than Matt Margolis and his minions, that is to say) is that I'll post some 3mb graphic monstrosity on my site anticipating that I'll get my usual 5 readers a day, and then a little later Glenn Reynolds will link to some throwaway post of mine on my index page on with a "Heh, indeed", and 8,000 people will come a trapsin' through.

Then the folks at Hosting Matters will come to me at the end of the day and say "Margin Call, Mr. Duke. All trades to be settled at the end of the day . . ." or words to that effect.

Posted by: The Colossus at February 4, 2005 11:49 AM
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