February 02, 2005


The male members of the Crack Young Staff over at the Hatemonger's Quarterly have all been bitten by the same love-bug and her name is Ms. Yahoo. As it happens, I was ruminating on this exact phenomenon yesterday and wondering if it was post-worthy. Too late now. ("Ya snooze, ya lose!" as my Revered Father is fond of saying.)

As a matter of fact, I think "Chip" has been slipping a little something into the water cooler outside the editorial board room over at THQ Headquarters because the CYS have been on an absolute tear lately. Go on over and browse to your delight.

Yip! Yip!

Posted by Robert at February 2, 2005 10:30 AM

I agree...the CYS at the HMQ is one of my daily stops... They always hit just the right note...

Posted by: Matt Hurley at February 2, 2005 01:12 PM


They're good. I mean -- they have a voice. Some thought goes into that writing, unlike the dreck I type down between my recurring nervous fits and bouts of heavy drinking.

How often do you see "obloquy" used in today's usage of American English, outside the occasional William F. Buckley, Jr. article? Not damn often, I tell you.

Of course, on the subject of Ms. Yahoo, they're just plain damn wrong. She's a man, for Chrissake.

Posted by: The Colossus at February 2, 2005 08:14 PM

I remember the day Yahoo! relaunched its web mail site, I remarked to a few coworkers that the chick on the page was hot. I too dig her. And now she has a name -- Ms. Yahoo!

Posted by: The Fool at February 3, 2005 02:07 AM
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