November 25, 2005

Reform at the TLLB

Inside pool below.

Phin links to the NZ Bear's decision to reform the way trackbacks are counted as part of the TLLB rankings. Our response? About time. Seriously, I was afraid WE were going to be the poster chilluns for this as something was screwy with the way our trackbacks were being counted last year: at one point, we got into the high teens, and for one day were bigger than Drudge. Hence, our logo at the time: "the biggest blog no one has ever heard of or read or visited." Serious Canseco issues.

Hopefully this will make the TLLB be more---slightly---functional. People bitch and moan about the TLLB when they are a tiny blog, and pooh-pooh it when they are a big one, but we all read it and we all know why: it's the thing all of us geeks dreamed of when we were in high school, a computer-calculated daily updated determination of popularity and coolness. It represents the ultimate triumph of the Farmer Ted's of the world.

Posted by Steve at November 25, 2005 12:39 PM | TrackBack

You like me! You really like me!

Posted by: jwookie at November 25, 2005 12:41 PM