November 17, 2005

A Witch!

I've stayed far away from the whole Plame-Game/Merry Fitzmas kerfluffle primarily because I simply see it as Beltway knife-fighting, for which I have only a minimal amount of patience.

However, I see today that Joe Wilson is now marking Bob Woodward for the Inquisition and it occurs to me that he is coming dangerously close to that tipping point beyond which many of history's temporary power brokers suddenly find themselves on the way to the garrotte, the stake or the guillotine.

Wilson has had his fun. He's jerked Dee Cee around, pissed off a great many of his enemies and become a minor celebrity of sorts. If I were in his position, I'd think hard about just shutting up right about now. Too much more of this and even those people he thinks of as his allies are going to decide he's too much of a loose cannon and turn on him. And it won't be pretty.

Just saying.

Posted by Robert at November 17, 2005 05:33 PM | TrackBack

Woodward's the ultimate Washington insider. Wilson goes against him, and there is no question who emerges victorious. It's the guy who Dustin Hoffman played in the movie.

Posted by: The Colossus at November 17, 2005 09:31 PM

This shit is more convoluted than Passions. But at least there you get to see Gwen & Theresa in a knockdown dragout catfight

Posted by: beautifulatrocities at November 17, 2005 10:23 PM

And that's the rub, isn't it?

Joe Wilson has jerked off most of Dee Cee, and pissed off a great many of his enemies, also in Dee Cee.

99.9% of the country doesn't give a fart in a barfbag.

We don't care about Joe Wilson, Robert. We don't care about Valerie Sheehan or Cindy Plame.

We don't give a flying fuck at a rolling donut on a gravel driveway about Dee Cee. It may as well be Aruba.

We do, however, care about Tolkein.

It's not Wilson we need to worry about, it's the average APReutersBBCAFPchooseyoursource reporter bullshitting us into believing that the war is lost, Bush lied, and we're all going to die if we don't get blogysterectomies and start reading the New York Times.

I'm nowhere near Dee Cee (haaaaaaaaaleluja,halleluja, haaaaaallllllleeeeeeejuhaaaaaaaaaa), but based on what I've seen about Woodward lately, doesn't that mean that Wilson's allies have already turned on him?

Posted by: Vinnie at November 18, 2005 12:04 AM

Colossus is right in that Wilson really should know he is fighting above his weight against Woodward.
Of course, Jeff, is equally correct in that, well, who doesn't appreciate a Passions reference?
And "[w]e don't give a flying fuck at a rolling donut...?"
Apparently, we also care about Vonnegut.

Posted by: T. Marcell at November 18, 2005 12:41 AM