November 10, 2005

LLama Alien Mutilation?

This is just SO wrong on SO many levels:


INDCent Bill, Cathy, Phin, Gordo, Liz and Pep, assorted multitudes of regular readers, assorted pervs, and hangers-on: our dear leader Rob-O is going away for a couple of days, so this means only one thing: The First Annual Open Season Return of the Scottish Dwarf Mock the LLamabutchers Contest. Folks who have a back door key to LLama Manor, have at it; otherwise, drop some Yips to the Tasty Bits Mail Sack (TM) and I'll post them anon.

Bonus points for photoshopping the above picture, and double zorro snaps for the person who can come up with the best depiction of the Scottish Dwarf himself.

(For those who need some background: The Scottish Dwarf first appeared in perhaps our greatest single posting of all time, "Tales of the LLamabutchers" and was composed by Kathy the Cakeeater and Ickle Bill (link definitely not safe for work, especially if you are employed at PETA).

Posted by Steve at November 10, 2005 12:30 PM | TrackBack

Send me log-in and I'll do part two.

Posted by: Bill from INDC at November 10, 2005 12:50 PM

I'm really sick of you Munuvians posting Star Jones-sized pix just because you have free bandwidth

Posted by: jeff at November 10, 2005 02:32 PM

Caption #1 Tired of playing piniata with a candy filled fake llama, the crew up the ante with a real live llama.

#2 Robbo's wife promised him a real kinky weekend. . .

Posted by: rbj at November 10, 2005 02:48 PM