October 04, 2005


Mrs. LMC, the Chief of Staff and Final Authority of all Manner of Popular Culture, is cruising the real estate listings and I suspect she is massing for another attempt to put Fort LMC on the BRAC list so We Can Move Into A Home We Bought Together. I have been crunching the numbers and two jobs (both mine) may not be enough in today's inflated real estate market. Fortunately, these fine folks are advertising for "Quality Bood Plasma Donors" for "up to $580 per month." If a house does not drive me to such a desperate measure, parochial school tuition in a few years probably will.

Posted by LMC at October 4, 2005 09:42 PM | TrackBack

My husband and I regularly sold our plasma to make extra money while we were in college. We had friends that did it for years and carried a card in their wallet stating that the tracks on their arms were from plasma donation. You might want to think about that if you are still in the reserves...
My husband regularly has to go to an absolutely filthy part of Mexico where the company factory is located (don't ask). Recently there was a blood drive at work and he was interviewed about where he had traveled over the past year. It turns out that going to Mexico, sewage and dead animals in the street, didn't disqualify him but, going to a resort in the Dominican Republic did! Malaria...

Posted by: babs at October 5, 2005 10:09 AM