July 15, 2005

Zone-Defense Parenthood

Nine-weeks-and-five-days-but-who's-counting-preggers-with-Number-Three-Margi came across this hilarious parenthood scale. A sample:

At Home: 1st baby: You spend a good bit of every day just gazing at the baby. 2nd baby: You spend a bit of everyday watching to be sure your older child isn’t squeezing, poking, or hitting the baby. 3rd baby: You spend a little bit of every day hiding from the children.

Now go read the rest. The funniest part is that, apart from the coin-swallowing stuff, I can personally attest that each and every one of them is completely accurate. Heh, indeed.

Posted by Robert at July 15, 2005 03:12 PM | TrackBack

And I was WONDERING why my numbers were climbing...


Thanks, Robbo. Love on ya. :: smoooches ::

Posted by: Margi at July 18, 2005 05:30 PM
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