July 14, 2005

The Revenge of the Sixth

The Harry Potter book comes out tomorrow. To celebrate, in traditional LLamabutcher style, we present our official "LLamabutcher Harry Potter Week" with this abomination:

hermione llamabutcher.jpg

Let me present Hermione LLamabutcher!

INDCent Bill kicked things off yesterday mocking the position of the Holy See on Harry Potter (It sux, man: Lemony Snickett kicks Rowling's boohonk!) by reminding the Church to mind the beam in its own eye:

The Pope's condemnation is especially surprising in light of the series' popularity with Catholic priests, many of whom are known to own a great deal of Harry Potter novels, coloring books, toys, themed candy and children's sleeping bags.

At least he spared us the jokes on wand usage.

Posted by Steve at July 14, 2005 02:37 PM | TrackBack

I'm not a fan of the Harry Potter books and haven't read the Lemony Snickett books, but I do have to say that the Harry Potter movies are better than the Lemony Snickett movie.

I know that you Llamabutchers don't hold movie adaptations in high regard (LOTR, anyone?), but still thought I'd pass that observation on for what it is worth (not much).

Posted by: Misspent at July 14, 2005 04:44 PM

Ha! I can sail serenely right over this issue because I've neither read any of the books nor seen any of the movies and - most likely - never will.

Posted by: Robert the LB at July 14, 2005 05:03 PM

"the series' popularity with Catholic priests, many of whom are known to own...children's sleeping bags."

Ok, am I the only one with the little voice in my head screaming at this point?

Posted by: Gekkobear at July 14, 2005 07:49 PM

Just wrong. Heh.

Posted by: sadie at July 14, 2005 11:12 PM
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