July 08, 2005


Drudge is carrying a note in red that the media is "on standby" amidst "growing reports" the Chief is hanging up the cleats.

UPDATE: Drudge has goosed up the bells and whistles to include a flashing light. Watch the libs twist themselves into a lather with calls for "balance," "consultation", "advice and consent," etc. The more paranoid types on our side will fret that Bush will screw them with a "moderate." BTW, for all those that call for Bush to replace O'Connor with a "moderate" or a "pragmatist" to preserve "balance"--where where you when Clinton replaced Byron White with Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

YIPS from Steve: Our old pal everyone's favorite Commie is speculating about returns far ahead of the Five Year Plan, fanning talk that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is going to go soon.

I'll only add this, that the last time I saw her at the Court she looked almost spectral, and seemed to almost float into the room.

Boy, Rehnquist and O'Connor sure were clever, waiting five years and one presidential election to leave the bench after delivering the election to the Chimperor so they could retire.

And look for Netanyahu to get advance notice of the next two resignations....

Here's an idea: since people are already floating the Fred Thompson for the Supreme Court idea, why not, if Rehnquist and Ginsburg go this summer, appoint Diane Weist and Steven Hill to the other two spots?

That way, instead of the "Oyez oyez" crap, the Marshall could gavel in each session of the Court by saying

In America's war on the Constitution
The people are "protected" by two sets of judges:
Liberal activists who want to let local governments seize their homes and property, but let them play hokey-pokey with their pie-hole,
and conservative originalists who want to preserve your right to carry a brown bess and twisted knickers, but get completely screwed by the modern state.
These are their stories.

Followed, of course, by the Law & Order "BWONNNNNNNNG" noise.

Posted by LMC at July 8, 2005 01:32 PM | TrackBack
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