May 18, 2005


Bill Moyers is ranting of dark conspircies because the Corporation for Public Broadcasting has undertaken efforts to provide balance in its programming by adding talking heads with a conservative perspective. This is the same nut who announced on Election Day that he expected a right wing coup if W. was not re-elected. This underscores why we need to pull unplug the whole public broadcasting system and let it loose in the marketplace. The programs that people watch/listen to will be picked up. The remainder, whose market share is often too small to measure, will go by the wayside. The proliferation of stations on AM and vast array of programming on cable are more than capable of providing the diversity that once justified public broadcasting's existence. Frankly, I would rather spend the federal tax dollars on something a little more pressing, such as munitions. Here is one suggestion.

YIPS from Steve: Once they whacked Rukeyser, I said to hell with the whole stinkin' lot of em. Durn commies.


Posted by LMC at May 18, 2005 08:22 PM

Ya know, if you go ask Congress for money, they just might want to ask for what, and actually look into what you're doing. The federal treasury is not a place for people to get their allowance to go off and do what they want with it. (And if it is, then I want some too.)

Posted by: RobertJ at May 19, 2005 09:30 AM

I've made the same argument before. Sesame Street is a marketer's dream. The rest can go via grant funding direct to video for librarians to stock in public schools across the nation. You're probably the more able of the two of us to get a petition going, but I'll help!

Posted by: tee bee at May 19, 2005 12:39 PM

I think Bill is off his meds. Time to pull the plug on PBS. What passes for PBS' intellectual programming can be found on the History Channel, The Learning Channel and cable news. The kiddie stuff can be replaced by cable kiddie channels. The regular homage to all things Democrat can be filled by a combination of the Today Show (featuring Her Perkiness) and Doris Kearns Goodwin.

Posted by: KMR at May 19, 2005 07:18 PM
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