July 18, 2005

Semi Flash In The Pan 80's Babe Posting

(with apologies to our Llama Military Correspondent)

I was noodling an interesting phenomenon while watching Octopussy last evening:

Off the top of my head, it seems that in general when there are two babes in a Bond flick, one of them meets a gruesome death early on, usually not long after James bags her. Yet in this one, aggressively Swedish Kristina Wayborn's Magda manages to survive her encounter with 007 and is still very much on the scene when he winds up with Maud Adams, (who I didn't realize was not Jacyln Smith for a long time).

Mind you, I don't complain. And the fact that they command an army of Amazon Warrioresses makes up for what is otherwise a pretty silly movie. (Major exception: the fight scene on the roof of the airplane at the end always gives me the willies.)

A quick check of the database shows that neither Bond Girl really went anywhere in the movies after this one.

Okay, I'm just too worn out and heat-crazed to think any more deeply that this at the moment. So sue me.

Posted by Robert at July 18, 2005 04:43 PM | TrackBack

The Mrs. and I are watching Bond, A to Z, in order of their release. Watched Dr. No last week (the first, and in many ways, the archetypal Bond film). Ursula Andress was the Bond girl. Pretty much set the standard.

Maud Adams I also remember from a creepy film involving tattoos featuring the psychotic Bruce Dern. She does resemble Jaclyn Smith, but to my mind, not as pretty.

Posted by: The Colossus at July 19, 2005 03:32 PM
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