July 13, 2005

Gratuitous Domestic Posting (TM) - Outdoor Division

Image borrowed from Hawks Nursery.

In the next few days I'm going to have to stake up my gladiolas, which are just now starting to bloom.

I don't know why I planted them, I really don't. There's plenty of other bright color in the garden, but glads are somehow too garish, too over the top. It's as if the rest of the flowers are holding a nice afternoon garden party and the glads are the guests who show up not having got the message that the vicars and tarts fancy-dress has been cancelled.

Dee Cee is right on the borderline in terms of gladiolus winter survival. Anywhere north of here the bulbs have to be treated as annuals, dug up and stored every fall to avoid the cold. Anywhere south and they'll make it all the way through the winter. Here, it's a year to year coin-toss. I didn't bother to dig mine up last fall because I was rayther hoping the cold would finish them off for me. However, we had a relatively short and mild winter, so they came back. This year, I suppose I'll have to dig them out.

Posted by Robert at July 13, 2005 06:00 PM | TrackBack

Admit it. You like your "poncey" moniker.

Kidding aside, now that you've got the fancy new look, you need to get yourself a cheap digital camera and post some pictures of the real plants in your garden. I'm intrigued at viewing the fortifications against Sauron's wraith rabbits.

Posted by: JohnL at July 14, 2005 12:01 AM

I loooove gladiolas. They are just audacious!

Posted by: Sarah at July 14, 2005 10:32 AM

I keep not digging my dahlias for the same reason -- hoping winter will kill them. Even though they aren't supposed to survive over the winter in my zone, they haven't figured this out yet. I guess one of these days I'm just going to have to do the dirty work myself.

Posted by: Jordana at July 14, 2005 11:26 AM

At the risk of getting oak leaf clusters added to my "poncey" moniker, I think "audacious" is an excellent adjective for glads. It probably would work for some of the dahlias I've seen, too.

Posted by: Robert the LB at July 14, 2005 11:36 AM
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