June 26, 2005


Yesterday's Jawa Report had this post on Jessica Culter a/k/a Washingtonienne. Old Jessica was truly a flash in the pan if there ever was one. Her claim to fame was that she just had to supplement her meager Capitol Hill salary with bucks from men willing to pay for anal sex, or so she said. While she is not the first woman to have engaged in such activity, she seems to be unique in her eagerness to brag about it. Her passing from the blog scene was unlamented. As an aside, she seems to have a hard, commercial look on her face that reminds me of the mama-sans who ran the bars with an iron hand on US-41A outside of Fort Campbell twenty years ago.

Posted by LMC at June 26, 2005 07:03 PM

"Flash in the Pan"? Methinks "Flash in the Can" would be more appropriate.

Posted by: Russ from Winterset at June 26, 2005 07:43 PM

Conclusive proof, as if any were needed, that Playboy photographers can make anyone look hot.

Posted by: Jeff Harrell at June 26, 2005 07:48 PM


(and I actually think Playboy p-shoppers and photographers reached the limits of their talent on that spread)

Posted by: Bill from INDC at June 26, 2005 08:23 PM

And it's not "Flash in the Can," it's "Splash in the Can."


Posted by: Bill from INDC at June 26, 2005 08:24 PM

I can't think of too many flashes in the pan that have had shelf lives of over a year. Why in hell are people still talking about her if she didn't have a genuine impact?

I mean, yeah, skank, whore, nasty, vile, etc, etc, sure. But still, there's always been a weird tinge of bitterness from a hell of a lot of bloggers re: Washingtonienne that I've never really understood.

Posted by: Beck at June 26, 2005 09:19 PM

But still, there's always been a weird tinge of bitterness from a hell of a lot of bloggers re: Washingtonienne that I've never really understood.

because she took it in the ass for $400, ruined people's lives and got a six-figure book deal and mag spread instead of being shunned by society?

How is that hard to grasp?

Posted by: Bill from INDC at June 26, 2005 10:03 PM

I don't know: If "Ishtar" and "Gigli" were really such steaming turds of cinema, why are movie reviewers still talking about them years later?

I think this skank's biggest offense was that she made no pretense about using sex to get famous. If one of her partners had tattled to the press, she would at least have my sympathy for having her embarrassing sexual activities dragged into the public eye. The fact that she bragged about, and managed to get paid for, painful experiences with her stinky starfish makes her a prime target for ridicule.

Posted by: Russ from Winterset at June 27, 2005 07:49 AM
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