June 22, 2005

Luke! It IS Your Destiny!

Following up on one we did the other day, another religious worldview quiz drags me closer to Rome:

Rank Item Percent
1: Roman Catholic (100%)
2: Eastern Orthodox (85%)
3: Lutheran (84%)
4: Anglican/Episcopal/Church of England (80%)
5: Presbyterian/Reformed (67%)
6: Congregational/United Church of Christ (50%)
7: Baptist (Reformed/Particular/Calvinistic) (36%)
8: Church of Christ/Campbellite (24%)
9: Methodist/Wesleyan/Nazarene (15%)
10: Seventh-Day Adventist (13%)
11: Baptist (non-Calvinistic)/Plymouth Brethren/Fundamentalist (7%)
12: Anabaptist (Mennonite/Quaker etc.) (3%)
13: Pentecostal/Charismatic/Assemblies of God (3%)

Some interesting questions. I think what gave the edge to the R.C.'s over my own Episcopal Church was my response on the matter of Communion (I am increasingly of the belief in transubstantiation in the Platonic sense, a change in essense without a change in physical properties) and the matter of purgatory (I believe in it without even knowing what official 'Palie doctrine is. If it is accepted in the Episcopal Church, it certainly doesn't get talked about much. )

But if I am going to the Mother Church, I have one iron condition: No goddam hippy music. Otherwise, I walk.

Yips! to the Pentacostal Brian B.

UPDATE: Third times's a charm. Behold my top 5 Belief-O-Matic results:

1. Eastern Orthodox (100%)
2. Roman Catholic (100%)
3. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (95%)
4. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (86%)
5. Orthodox Judaism (83%)

Yips! to Unitarian JohnL at TexasBestGrok for sending that one along (and getting me in even further trouble with the Missus, btw).

Posted by Robert at June 22, 2005 04:33 PM

I think it is time for Robert to explore the path walked by Cardinal Newman . . .

Posted by: The Colossus at June 22, 2005 04:36 PM

My results on this one.

1: Roman Catholic (100%)
2: Anglican/Episcopal/Church of England (74%)
3: Eastern Orthodox (68%)
4: Lutheran (67%)
5: Presbyterian/Reformed (55%)

Pretty much fits. I could see myself in the Church of England, Orthodox, or the Lutheran Churches pretty easily if there were no Catholic Church.

Posted by: The Colossus at June 22, 2005 04:44 PM

I will order you subscription to New Oxford Review, a monthly Catholic (formerly Anglican) magazine--guaranteed to be petal-to-the-metal every time.

Posted by: LMC at June 22, 2005 05:44 PM

Yips! to the Pentacostal Brian B.

shoobie wop shama doo wop a looba Amen to you too!

Posted by: Brian B at June 22, 2005 06:05 PM

"Come Holy Ghost, Creator blest, and in our hearts take up thy rest..."

Posted by: KMR at June 22, 2005 08:31 PM

1. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (100%)
2. Jehovah's Witness (95%)
3. Orthodox Judaism (81%)
4. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (73%)
5. Baha'i Faith (71%)
6. Islam (69%)

What is interesting about this list is how doctrinally dissimilar these religious traditions are. I am not sure if I can think of anything that these six have in common.

Posted by: House of Payne at June 23, 2005 08:31 PM
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