April 26, 2005

US Snatches Z-Man's laptop?

This is weird, and raises all sorts of possibilities for pshop fun.

Posted by Steve at April 26, 2005 05:28 PM

If we had even remotely decent psyops, we would already be releasing to the Arab world the massive amount of gay porgnography found on his hard drive.

Posted by: The Colossus at April 27, 2005 07:58 AM

I heard it was llama porn they found on his harddrive.
And Euros? That's telling.

Posted by: RobertJ at April 27, 2005 10:29 AM


The gift that keeps on giving.

Or some of the other Danegeld that the Europeans have been paying to release their precious reporters from being harmed by Zarqawi. Sickening.

Posted by: The Colossus at April 27, 2005 11:41 AM

This nonsense is about as believable as a terrorist group called "al Qaeda in Iraq". As far as I can tell at this point Zarqawi is responsible for Neverland Ranch, The Bachelor, and that strange smell I get when I take off my shoes. He is this administration's boogy-man. I hear he is starting a new terrorist group called "Iraqis Think Americans Suck". At least good for a NYT headline or two...

Posted by: LB buddy at April 27, 2005 05:19 PM
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