October 05, 2004

I'm supporting Bush: have I lost my mind?

According to John "Fluffy Bunnies are soooo cute!" Edwards, yes, I have.

This of course made me mad, but as a political scientist I want empirical facts, not nancy-boy normative "feelings." So I did a quick poll of my seven personalities:

"Steve"---the dominant personality---definitely offended. Will rest control of the body to cast vote, if necessary.
"Phil"---the soft, cuddly personality that likes fluffernutter sandwiches---definitely offended, but wants to go read the "footsteps" poem to feel better.
"Jen-jiss Caaaahn"---weird militant personality that doesn't speak in English clearly---definitely mad, stomped around the basement, tearing pajamas, saying "Hulk ANGRY!"
"Juanita"---docile splinter from Phil---wouldn't come out, even when "Steve" put on a Carpenters CD, but probably offended
"Magnus"--bizarre Celtic personality formed through unfortunate accident in Edinburgh in 1987---spitting nails angry.

Two personalities were not offended though:

"Phillipe"---Phil's evil twin---he's for Kerry loud and proud.
"Cha-Chi"---my therapist has been trying for years to figure out where Cha-Chi came from---likes Kerry's arms control credentials "He'll be able to stand down the Commies." (Note, "Cha-Chi" is for some odd reason stuck in 1982, which produces disastrous results when he gets control of the con when I'm at the Hair Cuttery and we wake up the next morning with a feathered, center-part hair do.)

Well, there you have it.

Posted by Steve at October 5, 2004 05:20 PM | TrackBack

Hey, after the election, maybe you can get Edwards to represent your six repressed personalities in a lawsuit against your dominant personality. I mean, I'm no ambulance chaser, but it seems to me that Cha-Chi has a pretty good case...

Posted by: SweaterFulffGal at October 5, 2004 05:46 PM
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